Authentic Yoga - Tantric Perspective

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  • Spiritual
  • Vedanta
  • Yoga
  • Tantra

  • Spiritual ( 14)

    2017-04-22Religion, Faith and God
    2017-01-28Yogic significance of Ramayana
    2016-04-02Why we shout in anger?
    2016-01-01The Lord and Worship
    2015-10-19Sanatana Dharma and Hinduism
    2014-01-25Meditation in Bhagavad Gita
    2013-12-29Cosmic dance of Shiva
    2013-04-13Types of Anger
    2012-03-01How to deal with people?
    2010-03-03Buddha explanation on existence of God
    2010-01-17What happens when you die
    2009-06-16Difference Between a Guru and a Teacher
    2007-04-30Let’s Face It
    2006-12-29Spiritual meaning of Swastika

    Vedanta ( 11)

    2017-05-17Difference Between Vedas and Tantras
    2014-01-25Meditation in Bhagavad Gita
    2012-11-03What are the three Gunas?
    2010-09-09Sacred Books of India
    2008-07-27Four Goals of Life
    2007-01-28What is Vedic Yoga?
    2007-01-15History of Yoga, Tantra and Vedanta
    2006-12-29Types of Karma
    2006-11-26What are the Vedas?
    2006-10-31Contradictions in Bhagvad Gita
    2006-09-29What is Vedanta?

    Yoga ( 29)

    2017-06-20Yoga - Your Past, Present and Future
    2017-03-02Tantra, Sex and Yoga
    2017-02-02Food for Yoga Practice
    2016-07-24What is Tantric Yoga?
    2014-03-16Yogic Eating Guidelines
    2014-01-25Meditation in Bhagavad Gita
    2013-12-29Cosmic dance of Shiva
    2013-05-07Different states of Mind
    2013-01-11What is Vinyasa?
    2012-11-03What are the three Gunas?
    2012-10-03Purusha and Prakriti
    2012-09-04How to Practice
    2012-08-06What is Pranayama?
    2012-07-07Types of Meditation
    2012-06-06Styles of Yoga
    2012-05-05What is Meditation?
    2012-03-01How to deal with people?
    2011-11-01What are Bandhas?
    2011-06-13What are Shat Kriyas?
    2011-06-05Simple Mudras for Good Health
    2010-09-09Sacred Books of India
    2008-01-29What is Classical Yoga?
    2007-07-20What is Hatha Yoga?
    2007-01-28What is Vedic Yoga?
    2007-01-15History of Yoga, Tantra and Vedanta
    2006-12-29Surya Namaskara - Sun Salutation
    2006-11-15Who was the first Teacher and Student?
    2006-09-29Understanding Yoga
    2006-09-06What is Yoga?

    Tantra ( 16)

    2017-05-17Difference Between Vedas and Tantras
    2017-03-02Tantra, Sex and Yoga
    2017-01-26Two Paths
    2016-10-24What is Tantric Sex?
    2016-07-24What is Tantric Yoga?
    2015-11-11Pillars of Tantra
    2015-07-23Left-Hand vs Right-Hand Path of Tantra
    2014-02-10Schools of Tantra
    2013-08-25Agama, Nigama and Tantra
    2012-11-03What are the three Gunas?
    2012-05-05What is Meditation?
    2010-09-09Sacred Books of India
    2007-07-20What is Hatha Yoga?
    2007-01-15History of Yoga, Tantra and Vedanta
    2006-11-15Who was the first Teacher and Student?
    2006-10-12What is Tantra?

    Total (53)
    About Vishwa Yoga
    VishwaYoga Logo Vishwa Vishwa Kumar
    WhatsApp: +1 678-310-9580
    Experienced Yoga Teacher (E-RYT)
    Advanced Tantra Educator (ACTE)
    Continuing Education Provider (YACEP)

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    More about : Vishwa  *  Yoga  *  FAQ

    Spiritual (14)
    Tantra (16)
    Vedanta (11)
    Yoga (29)

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