History of Yoga, Tantra and Vedanta
15 January 2007 YogiVishwa1. Pre-Vedic/Tantric Period (5000BC - 1500BC) –The evidence was found through Pashupati Seal (statue of Shiva in yogic posture) discovered at the Mohenjo-Daro archaeological site of the Indus Valley Civilization. No texts are available, but it is understood that the knowledge was mostly passed down orally to the coming generations.
- Yoga - Tantric Yoga – as depicted taught orally
- Tantra – Knowledge about building houses, etc.
- Yoga - Vedic Yoga included – Mantra, Prana and Dhyana Yoga practices
- Tantra – Magical Charms, Ayurveda, Herbology and other practices
- Vedanta – Birth of Vedanta, summarizes the highest philosophy of Vedas
- Yoga – Classical Yoga of Patanjali was introduced in Yoga Sutra
- Tantra – Majority of Tantra were written down in this era but not publicly practiced
- Vedanta – Commentaries and digests were written on Vedanta
- Yoga – Four classic path of Yoga restored – Raja, Karma, Bhakti, and Jnana
- Tantra –Tantric philosophy and practices flourished, major debates started to happen
- Vedanta – The philosophy of Vedanta was revived to its glory, Matha (institute) and Swami order was introduced by Adi Sankara
- Yoga – Hatha Yoga came into existence, practices were extracted from Tantra, classic path of yoga continued
- Tantra – Right-hand path philosophy & practices got a revolution but left-hand path practices became very secret due to fear
- Vedanta – The philosophy was maintained by masters and swamis
- Yoga – All classic forms of Yoga (Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, and Raja) started to flourish along with Hatha
- Tantra – Tantric practices were mainly practiced as rituals, right-hand path was practiced but left-hand path continued to be in secret
- Vedanta – Knowledge of Vedanta was formally brought to America by Swami Vivekananda
- Yoga – Majority of Yoga practitioners are doing Hatha Yoga based practices, then TM based Raja Yoga and Bhakti Yoga practices
- Tantra – Tantric practices are still part of rituals, many practices are a light version of Hatha yoga, a majority of people hardly even know the names of proper tantric texts, however slow introduction are in the process and right-hand path of Tantra is more emphasized. Though there is no fear of persecution for left-hand path in India however, practitioners continue to remain secret
- Vedanta – Many practitioners starting to study and appreciate the Vedanta philosophy
As you can see the philosophy and practices of Yoga, Tantra and Vedanta have been continued since its inception. However, as the time passed, first it started to face challenges due to orthodoxy, but later revived. Then a time comes when it blossomed and reached its peak. But during the Islamic and British period of India, which roughly accounts for almost 1200 years, pushed practices especially the external practices into the hide or secret. But, after the independence of India, it is gradually changing, however living in a suppressed state for over thousand years, it takes time to realize the true state of freedom. When Hatha Yoga practices came to the West, it started primarily appealed to the people due to physical fitness elements into it. Now it has become multi-billion dollars industry. But for serious practitioner who is looking for a holistic approach, the tools of Tantra and knowledge of Vedanta, give the wings for Yoga practices to fly high beyond the fitness realm.
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