Meditation in Bhagavad Gita
25 January 2014 YogiVishwaThe Bhagavad Gita helps those in trouble. In the Gita there is a
conflict. Arjuna is unable to take a decision and to resolve this, he
turns to Krishna and listens to him. It is important to realize that
Arjuna is not just listening to Krishna, but that he is in a state of
meditation. Arjuna benefits and quietens his mind to achieve clarity not
just through the discourse of Krishna but from his immediate presence.
To begin meditation we need to first look for the presence of Krishna in
some form. Even the reading of the Bhagavad Gita must be in the spirit
of turning to Krishna for his advice. The reader must see himself as
Arjuna, in trouble and seeking help from Krishna. Then the reading will
be meditation.
Yamunacharya has highlighted four areas of
meditation in the Bhagavad Gita.
The first is in relation to Svadharama,
what one must do, how it must be done and what should be the attitude
to this action. Whenever there is a doubt or conflict in relation to
one's action and the accompanying attitude, meditation on svadharma will
give clarity and tell us what is right.
The second area of
meditation is Jnana. The Gita speaks of three things one should know:
cit- that which is conscious, acit- that which is not conscious and
Isvara- the higher force.
Whenever there is a doubt about what we
should be moving towards or a conflict as a result of the pull in a
particular direction, meditation on jnana will make clear the right path
or direction.
The third area of meditation is Vairagya. This
word occurs often in the Gita and stands for that which should be
forsaken and that which should never be forsaken. That which helps one,
must stay and that which disturbs, should be left behind.
In the
Gita there are three fundamental reasons for a person being disturbed.
The first is the pull of temptations, raga or kama. The second is the
dominance of the rajo guna in the person resulting in krodha and the
accompanying clouding of the mind. The third reason is the attitude of
aham, the power of the "I". The person is concerned only about himself
to the total exclusion of all things else. When this disturbance begins,
meditation on Vairagya will help quieten the person by making clear
that which is necessary and good for one's development and that which is
And then there is fourth area of meditation, that is Bhakti. This, in
the Gita, is to trust Krishna and do everything as a service to a higher
force. This idea occurs in the Gita right form the beginning and most emphatically from the third chapter. Bhakti is not worship in a room in
front of a picture of God but is an attitude where we see and acknowledge
the power of the higher force in all things. This is the highest level
of meditation as everything the person sees or does, brings his mind
back to the higher force that is responsible for all things. When we are
insecure or helpless, bhakti- the recognition of our limitations and
the turning to a higher force, will offer a solution.
Source: T.K.V. Desikachar
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